Thursday, March 10, 2016

Feb. 29th, 2016 update...

Elder Reed's letter shared that he had an interesting week. They had a baptism in their area - the first in 3 months! :)  They were so happy about the blessings to this individual and their family. :) He shared that they also found another family and, when they finished teaching the last missionary lesson, the father said that he would accept any calling from the Lord, that he wanted to be faithful to the Lord and to the Church, and that he wanted to go to the temple with his family. What an exciting time!

Elder Reed said they did a lot of cleaning this week. He also said he's passed the 17 month mark of his mission and he said he is realizing how little time he has left on his mission - it is going by quickly!

This week, they also went to a large multi-zone conference. They had to wake very early and take the bus there. It was really packed on the way there, and they were a lot like sardines in a small can. During the meeting, they had time to ask some questions and Elder Reed enjoyed all that he learned. [He really loves his mission president. :)] After they returned home from the meeting, they still had other meetings with people, and so it was a long day, but a very good day.

Elder Reed said that he had a great Book of Mormon experience this week also - he finished the Book of Mormon in Spanish! He is going to now work on reading the Doctrine and Covenants in Spanish. 

Elder Reed said that the power went out in their area for several hours and that was an interesting experience [ha ha]. He also said he is really loving the people of Huachipa, and while it's really work to be there, he is loving the people and loving being able to share the Gospel with them. 

It goes along with his spiritual thought he wanted to share this week. In 2 Corinthians 9:6 - Elder Reed said that [paraphrased] is that if you sow abundantly, you reap abundantly; if you sow scarcely, you reap scarcely. If you work hard, you are going to get a lot more out of it than if you you just lazed around and put a half-hearted effort. Everything has to do with your attitude. If you want people to like you, then you have to show them that you care for them (genuinely care for them). Elder Reed shared that we are here to serve others, not ourselves. We are here in this life to serve our brothers and sisters. As long as we are trying our best, Heavenly Father will look at that and say "all is well, here are some blessings!" :) If you ever want to help someone out, show them that you are willing to do what they need, and then they will see that you really do care.

Until next week, remember the blessings you have, and share kindness with those in your circle of Life.

a picture in Elder Reed's area
another picture from Elder Reed's area
A very happy family! :)