Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Feb. 23, 2015 update

Time is flying by! Elder Reed's update was very short this week, and he said he's been with his current companion for 4 weeks now - wow! This is the picture he attached this week: 

Elder Reed also noted that he has passed the 5-month calendar mark on his mission - wow!! Time really is flying by! He said he's had some humbling experiences that are keeping him on the right track. He also stressed the importance of families, and of good family relationships. :)

Until next time - remember to count your many blessings! Thanks to everyone for your continued support!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Feb. 16th, 2015 update ....

Elder Reed's update was fun this week, as his siblings had the day off school and he was able to email them "real-time" for a bit - they all loved that! 

Elder Reed has been *very* busy - he and his companion taught 32 lessons during the week, while the goal was 25 - they worked hard! From the pictures above, it looks like they worked at cleaning as well. :)

Elder Reed talked about how they don't have warm water in the morning anymore, just ice cold water. "What a way to wake up in the morning. You start out a little cold just out from the blankets, gather your things and eventually turn on the water only to realize that no matter which way you turn the switch, you can't get anything other than the ice cold, been-sitting-above-the-apartment-all-night-without-the-sun-to-possibly-warm-up-the-water-cold. It's nice at night because I've been in the sun all day and sweating on top of that, but not in the morning. Hope the same thing doesn't happen in the winter down here!" :)

Elder Reed also said it's really hot down there sometimes. When we were "real-time" talking yesterday, he spoke of it being so hot and stuffy - while we here in Ohio were at about 5 degrees above zero. :) Fun times! It is interesting that he is in Summer down in Peru, while we are in Winter here. :)

Elder Reed's spiritual thought for the week: Hebrews 12: 9-10. "It says to honor your parents and what's more, your God. Your Heavenly Parent." - so true!

Until next week - enjoy!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Feb. 9th update - a few days late. :)

This week's update is slow in coming because I've been so busy, but here we go! 

Elder Reed is doing well. They were able to go to the Lima Temple this week, and it helped strengthen him. His spiritual thought for this week comes from Doctrine & Covenants 132:19. It speaks of being sealed with your family for all eternity, and the glory of eternal families. Truly wonderful blessings from a loving Heavenly Father!

Elder Reed says that he is gaining a little weight, but that his companion shared that it will probably go away when he is transferred - apparently his pensionista is a wonderful cook! :) Elder Reed wrote a lot in Spanish, which I've tried to translate, but some of his handwriting is difficult to read - here's the gist of what I was trying to translate (and I'm hoping I came close!). Overall, he says thank you to everyone, that he is reading, eating, sharing, and laughing. I think he also talked about how difficult it is to get the people to speak slower and not so loudly. He said he was writing in both English and Spanish to share his skills. [I think he is doing well!] :)

Elder Reed shared an experience he and his companion had one day last week [which I hope I can share accurately - as Elder Reed's handwriting is... well... not always easy to read. :)]. It was a 6-lesson day (whew!). When they visited one individual, he was smoking. Elder Moreyra (Elder Reed's new companion) asked the individual how much he wanted to change (on a scale of 1-6) and the response was a 9! The next question was apparently whether or not E. Moreyra could do something about it, and the Elders said "Yes". E. Moreyra proceeded to take the lit cigarette away, as well as all the other cigarettes, and disposed of them! They were able to continue their lesson after that!

Elder Reed is busy sharing the Gospel with the people of Peru, and shares his testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all who will listen. One quote from his journals, "the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is a wonderful gift!" This is so true!

Hi Elders - I think this is Elder Reed & Elder Jones

A shirt for his dad

Thank you all for your continued love and support and prayers - I know he is strengthened by that!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Feb. 2nd, 2015 update

Elder Reed's update this week was short and sweet. He didn't get transferred, but he now has a new companion, Elder Moreyra, who is from Iquitos, Peru. His former companion (E. Puma) spoke pretty good English, but not so with E. Moreyra. So, Elder Reed is getting a lot of practice with Spanish! 

The week went quickly, he said, but last Saturday, his new companion had one of his wisdom teeth taken out in La Molina, which is about an hour ride in a bus or taxi. Thankfully there were funds to pay for the ride and the medicine and the operation. Heavenly Father truly blesses his servants! The doctor ordered that they don't do much for a few days, so they went to Church yesterday (Sunday), but that is it so his companion can recuperate. Elder Reed has had lots of study time and is learning a lot! They should be able to get out again this week.

Elder Reed and I were "conversing" (through email) about how it is February already - time is flying by!

Until next week, remember to count your blessings - you will lose count!! :)